We would like to make you aware of enhancements to our subscriptions, Web site and customer
support options.
Product E-mail Subscriptions
Make sure that you are subscribed to the appropriate Relius product newsletters / alerts for information on releases, fixes and updates. To sign-up for these
e-mails, you must first login with your Individual Username and Password.
NOTE: In order to receive these messages, please allow e-mails from
reliuseducation@fisglobal.com and Webdbadmin.relius@fisglobal.com.
Individual Username and Password
An individual username and password is now required in order to enter our
support Web pages, manage your incidents and to subscribe. Follow these
instructions to create your individual username and password:
New Phone Option
We have enhanced our phone system to provide you with an option to enter your
incident number and 6-digit account number. Once entered, you will be directly
connected to the representative assigned to your request. If the representative
is unavailable, you will be prompted to either leave a message or be connected
with a dispatcher who will appropriately change the status of your incident to
notify the support representative to contact you.
Service / Support Incidents (Online Support / WebFirst)
We have enhanced the interface to:
Query status of all incidents submitted by any members of your staff
Copy query results and export to a file
View existing incidents and the history of each incident
View your company’s account information and licensed product modules
Print incident details
- Service / Support Incidents Help Guide

NOTE: WebFirst - Relius Online Support requires Java functionality to
operate properly. If you are unsure as to whether your system is java-enabled,
simply visit www.java.com and your system will automatically be updated. Once
the update is completed, Internet Explorer users will be prompted with a
security warning. Users of other browsers will need to restart their browser.
If you have any questions, please call Client Account Services at 800-326-7235,
option 6.