Thank you for visiting FIS Relius' Web site. Please review and answer the questions on the short survey below. Your feedback will give us valuable information to know if our Web site is meeting your needs.

1) Why did you visit FIS Relius' Web site?

2) Were you able to find what you were looking for?
     If no, what are you looking for?

3) Please select your profession.

4) How satisfied were you with the information in FIS Relius' Web site?

5) Overall, how satisfied were you with the layout of FIS Relius' Web site?

6) How satisfied were you with the time it took to access the information you needed?

7) What are the chances of you visiting our Web site in the future?

8) Is this your first visit to our site?

9) How often do you visit FIS Relius' Web site?

10) Additional comments:

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