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Voluntary After-Tax Employee Contributions [2019]
Presentor: David Schultz Recorded Date: 8/5/2019 Duration: 100 Min.

This program was recorded during a live presentation given on August 5, 2019.

Voluntary after-tax employee contributions have been a commonly found, but infrequently used feature in pre-approved plan documents. Guidance from the IRS and articles in financial publications created a firestorm of interest in “employee” contributions a few years ago, but they are still poorly understood. For decades, these have been the forgotten step-child of the retirement plan world. Now interest is heating up.

In this special 100 minute web seminar, we will provide an in depth look at after-tax employee contributions and how they are used. We will closely examine current strategies and discuss whether they work and whether they make sense. There will be lots of examples and ample opportunity for questions.

Topics include:
  • Sources of after-tax funds
  • Separate contracts
  • Tax treatment of distributions and rollovers
  • New distribution planning opportunities and alternatives
  • Rollover limitations
  • ACP testing
  • Using after-tax contributions to reach 415 maximum
  • Converting after-tax funds to Roth
  • Comparison of converting to IRA or in-plan
  • Matching after-tax contributions
  • Comparison of after-tax and Roth
  • Limitations on after-tax contributions
  • Comparison of after-tax contribution or employer contribution

There are no prerequisites or other advanced preparation for this program. The speaker will expect attendees will have a general understanding of the operation of 401(k) and other retirement plans and have a minimum of two years of experience.

Level: Overview
Instructional Delivery Method
Group – Internet-Based

NASBA Field of Study: Taxes

Speaker: David Schultz, J.D.

Objectives: After the seminar, attendees should be able to:

  • Advise a client on whether to add after-tax contributions to a plan
  • Properly test after-tax contribution
  • Explain the issues involved in converting after-tax funds to Roth
  • Properly apply the new tax rules to distributions and rollovers of after tax funds

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