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Government Plans: The Oddity of the Retirement Plan World-2 parts
Presentor: Kevin Burch Recorded Date: 3/28/2012 Duration: 200 Min.

Course Materials

Registered participants may download a copy of the presentation slides. You will also receive a copy of the Questions and Answers from the live program. Both of these are provided in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Instructions to download the CoourseMaterials are provided with your confirmation email upon completion of the registration process.

IMPORTANT: You will be required to use the 5-digit RegID number provided to you in your Archived Web Seminar Registration Confirmation email to access the presentation slides. Please retain it so that you may also access the Q&A, if it should be unavailable when you register. Relius Education will email all registrants of the archived program when the Q&A, if any, is accessible for printing.  

If you have questions related to this program or your registration, please send an email to our Educational Services team - – and we'll respond promptly.