To register for Relius Education seminars and conferences, please login or register for a new login account before proceeding. For more information, please see the Benefits of a Relius User Login Account. For assistance, please contact Client Services at 800-326-7235, and select Option 6.

Advanced Pension Conference
Orlando, FL - 2/10/2016 - 2/12/2016

Course Materials
To make conference course materials a better reference and research tool for our customers, materials are made available to attendees in electronic format.

Having course materials in electronic format provides several advantages for registrants:

  • Download and store all the outlines on your PC – use these e-files as a reference tool
  • Print or take only the outlines for the sessions you plan to attend
  • Find information faster by searching the e-files using keywords
  • View the most up-to-date information
  • Review the materials in advance of the program and prepare any questions ahead of time
  • Carry a lighter load - no heavy binder to tote around or carry home
  • Two or three slides per page, easy to print with notes and smaller package for travel

Registrants are strongly encouraged to print and/or save the program materials onto personal laptops or iPads prior to arriving at the conference, as hotel business center printers and computer usage tend to be expensive. Please be sure electronic device batteries are charged, as hotels do not provide outlets in all meeting rooms. Note: Wi-Fi is not available in meeting rooms or immediate surrounding areas.

IMPORTANT: To download the materials, Registrants are required to enter the RegID number and registrant's last name as shown in the registration confirmation e-mail. Materials are available 7-10 days before the program. Details are provided in your registration confirmation e-mail.

Alert: Firewall software may interfere with the downloading process. If you experience download problems, please contact your IT department or network administrator for assistance.

If you have questions, please send an e-mail to