Getting Started in Crystal

Duration: 60 Min.

The Crystal ReportWriter Program is bundled with Relius Administration. It’s that other program—you know the one—the tool used to create and generate those beautiful statements, summaries and such that we provide our sponsors and participants, but that can be so overwhelming that it’s hard to figure out where to start. Crystal can be rather intimidating. Even to the point of causing some folks to just back out and go look for other alternatives. It doesn’t have to be that way, because with a bit of patience, some guidance and a basic understanding of how Crystal works, most anyone can start using Crystal to create or modify reports—making them just that much better.

In this session, we will:

  • demonstrate how to connect to the database
  • examine the menus, toolbars & navigation windows
  • show how to set default options
  • work with the various report sections and demonstrate how to navigate them
  • discuss the optional “Start” page
  • examine the design and preview tabs of a report
  • show rulers, guides and other report settings

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