Using Queries in Relius Administration

Duration: 60 Min.

Finding the information quickly for someone is always a challenge. Fortunately, Relius Administration has several tools that you can use to do this. You might need to find something out for a person who isn’t a participant in that plan you are working on at the moment, or you might get a question from an employer about the entire plan, or maybe about one person. Or your trading partner might contact you with a question about one of the funds. Relius Administration’s query tools will help you to find the information fast.

In this session, we will:
  • find any employee and his/her census information
  • find an employee’s balance or a plan’s balance
  • find balances for a fund, plan, employee or for all funds, plans or employees
  • use the queries to extract information for all plans, funds or just for those selected
  • use queries to find more specialized information

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